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MEET THE MINISTERS....Minister Phyllis Pollard
Minister Phyllis Pollard
Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Spotsylvania
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Ecclesiastes 5:8 NKJV If you see in a province the oppression of the poor and the violation of justice and righteousness, do not be amazed at the matter, for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them.


My name is Phyllis Pollard, an Associate Minister at Mt Zion Baptist Church, 6030 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia.


My pastor is Rev. Dr. Charles W. Wormley, Sr. I currently fill

the position of Church Clerk. I am so incredibly grateful to God having allowed me to be a part of the Coalition of Ministers

for Social Change because He has graced us with spiritual gifts to be used in such a time as this.


God wants us to do what is right and good no matter what the system of government or political ideology that may exist, to govern fairly and with justice. I know I serve the Most High God

Who Sits High Yet Looks Low! I pray we are moved with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal the love of God to bring peaceful resolutions to the issues of systemic racism, violent

brutality, and social unrests in our communities.

In Christ,

Minister Phyllis J. Pollard

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